Battle of the Books

Here is the Battle of the Books Reading List for 4th and 5th Grade.   Remember you can check these out at the library, download them to your e-readers, or visit the local library and check them out there as well.  If you are looking at checking out e-readers, Montanalibrary2go is a great place to start. 
You can learn more about Battle of the Books by clicking HERE.

Battle of the Books List 2014-15
Brittan, Bill                    The Wish Giver:  Three Tales of Coven Tree
Christopher, John         The White Mountains
Christopher, Matt        Ice Magic
Fleischman, Sid            By the Great Horn Spoon!
Fritz, Jean                      The Great Little Madison
Grabenstein                  Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
George, Jean                 My Side of the Mountain
Gipson, Fred                 Old Yeller
Hahn, Mary Downing      Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story
Jacques, Brian              Redwall
King-Smith, Dick           Harry's Mad
Levine, Gail Carson      Ella Enchanted
Lowry, Lois                   Number the Stars
Palacio, R.J.                   Wonder
Paulsen, Gary               Hatchet
Roberts, Willo Davis    Scared Stiff
Ryan, Pam Munoz        Esperanza Rising
Sachar, Louis                There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom
Wiles, Deborah            Love, Ruby Lavender
Winthrop, Elizabeth     Castle in the Attic