About Mrs. Buzzell

Hello!  and welcome to Peterson Library.  My name is Steph Buzzell and I am the librarian here at Peterson.  I love, love, love Top 10 lists and find this might be a fitting way for you to get to know me.
So here it goes.  Here are the top 10 things you should know about Mrs. Buzzell:
10.  I do not like to wear socks and would prefer to wear flip-flops year round, even in the snow.
9.  In my spare time, I like to compete in triathlons, century bike races, paint, hike, float, explore and READ!
8.  I am a third generation teacher and as of four years ago when I was a first grade teacher, I was a third generation first grade teacher too.
7.  I love water in any form.
6.  Helping kids discover a love and addiction to reading is my passion.
5.  When I grow up, I want to write children's books.
4.  I have three kids and a super husband that makes me laugh.
3.  My mom teaches first grade at this school.
2.  I love to clean and organize.
and the number one thing you will need to know about Mrs. Buzzell...
1.  I have a slight obsession with children's and young adult books.  Okay who am I kidding... it is a rather large obsession.