Monday, December 12, 2011

Montana Library 2 Go and a HO, HO, HO

It is that time of year again and kids are starting to head on the long journey to Grandma and Grandpa's house, in hopes that Grandma doesn't get run over by a reindeer.  Because of this, I thought it would be smart to remind you all about the Montana Library 2 Go site. 
All you need to enter is your City Library card and the internet.  This site is full of over 35,000 downloadable audio and ereaders that can be downloaded to basically any device avaliable. 
Simply log into and then add yourself as a use by typing in your barcode number on the back of your library card.  Once in, browse the selection of books and download the ones you want to listen to, inorder to drown out your little brother or sister asking "Are we there yet?" for the thousandth time. 
Happy reading!

Monday, October 3, 2011

I love the smell of NEW BOOKS!

New books are being shipped to us, as we speak.  I hope that they will arrive before Halloween.  There are around 150 new titles being added to our library.  Keep a look out for the new books..... happy reading!

Take me away - Playaways!

Yippeeeee!  Can you feel the excitment?  Playaways can be checked out today.  Remember are a week long checkout.  3rd - 5th graders need to have their forms turned in before they are allowed to check out playaways. 

On another note, magazines can also be checked out this week for 3rd through 5th Grades. 

Remember:  only 1 mag and playaway per student at one time and both are only one week check-outs.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Start of a New Era

Well, this is it.  I am officially a librarian.  Seemed slightly surreal until I met all my classes and started weeding our collection.  What can I say, I LOVE being in the library for so many reasons... the variety of kids I get to see, making connections with all of them, the excitement of introducing new books, the list goes on and on.  But with my new job, came some pangs of where I have been.  I do miss being able to see the same kiddos day in and out.  Seeing all those Ahha moments (I am sure I will get those in the library too) and developing such a tight community in our classroom.  I have a lot planned for this year and I think Peterson Smarty Pants will really enjoy all the fun "stuff" we are going to attempt to accomplish.  But in the mean time - go read a book and stop reading this!